That made me a little cautious and I reduced the pressure of my squeeze. After a few minutes, I dropped my right hand from her boob to her tummy and waist. Vijaya was a very slim girl and she had a very slim waist. The curve of her waist had always held a fascination for me. Here was a chance to see and perhaps feel it. I gently rubbed her flat tummy which was silken smooth to touch as my hand traversed to her waist. My fingers touched the top edge of her petticoat which is normally tied tightly around the waist with a string. As my fingers brushed against the edge, another surprise awaited me. The draw string was loose and untied! I couldn't believe my luck. As my fingers pushed it, her petticoat just moved down without any resistance. My right hand felt the smooth curve of her waist and I had to exercise a lot of self control in not grabbing it tightly. Caressing her slim waist, I analyzed the situation. Could it be that Vijaya was aware of my moves and was actually cooperating. While using her left arm tohelp keep her legs in the air, she reached for the table with her sticky fingers and found the upright plug that she was searching for.She picked itup and oriented its pointed end towards her bottom.She jabbed around in the dark, trying to find her opening again.She suddenly felt it pushagainst the hard muscle that formed her hole, and she manoeuvred it gently across into the centre.Due to its small size it slipped in relativelyeasily.Amanda pushed firmly against the base to ensure that it was all the way in.She pushed herself up into a sitting position and felt for the box of tissues that permanently resided on the table.She wiped her sticky fingersand then shifted slightly, subconsciously, only noticing when she felt the slight movement of the plug inside her.She delighted in the bizarremixture of discomfort and pleasure that the anal toy provided.She felt for the ankle-cuffs - or were they the wrist-cuffs, very little difference, sohard to tell while.
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